• New premises »
We have moved into our
new premises at:
Bülowsvej 48A
DK-1870 Frederiksberg C
and are currently updating
our website.
The price for language service is calculated in various ways depending on the character of the tasks. The price may be calculated per working hour or per page. Payment by the word or the hour is relevant in connection with proofreading, editing and translation or phrasing of common business correspondence.
The price is typically calculated by the hour in connection with translation of shorter specific texts, e.g. product descriptions, manuals or contracts.
In connection with longer texts the price is usually calculated per page or word, e.g. translation of manuals, brochures, reports, etc.
Regardless of the calculation method the price will never exceed €0.34/word and in connection with bigger jobs it may be as low as €0.12/word.
Contact us by phone, mail or email at prices@paraphrase.dk – preferably with a description of the task – for a detailed price list or quotation.
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© 2020 paraphrase.dk Bülowsvej 48A DK-1870 Frederiksberg C | E-mail: info@paraphrase.dk | Tel: +45 20296047 | CVR no.: 21887277 |