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• New premises »


We have moved into our

new premises at:


Bülowsvej 48A
DK-1870  Frederiksberg C


and are currently updating

our website. 










Compared to other types of translation, localization puts greater demand on the use of translation tools and it demands increased technical knowledge.

Localization at Paraphrase is a complete solution.

Localization of websites is a market area in rapid development. Contrary to printed media websites are dynamic and regularly changed.

As IT continues to play a great role in our society, more companies are acknowledging the importance of a good localization of computer programmes and home pages for e-business.

This comes naturally as the financial extent of the IT industry is immense both in terms of the turnover possibilities and the investments that are often required for research, development and marketing.

To make these investments profitable a good idea and a quality product are not enough. It is also necessary to ensure that the product is user friendly. This depends on the interface between the product and the user.

It is very important that all user guides, menus and tools are not just translated, but also localized i.e. specifically adjusted to the local conditions and needs.

Our localization offer is based on knowledge of the local language, people and society as well as the practical experience gained through our previous tasks.

> SOFTWARE LOCALIZATION Linguistic and technical assistance in connection with  localization, compilation and testing of software products and documentation.


> QUALITY ASSURANCE OF SOFTWARE (QA) Source and target language in-house or at the customer’s place.


> HARDWARE DOCUMENTATION Linguistic and technical assistance in connection with localization of user guides or help files. 


> WEB LOCALIZATION Linguistic and technical assistance in connection with localization of websites. For example in XML, HTML, ASP, etc.  




• Translation tools »


The following is a list of the tools we often use:



> Trados




> MS LocStudio


> Microsoft Helium


> Passolo


> Catalyst


> RoboHelp


> Adobe Acrobat Professional 


> Paint Shop Pro

























© 2020  Bülowsvej 48A DK-1870  Frederiksberg C  |  E-mail:  |  Tel: +45 20296047  |  CVR no.: 21887277